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Titre : |
En Belgique, en 2008, état des lieux des connaissances et compétences des sages-femmes concernant la prise en charge des femmes enceintes fumeuses |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
C. Van-Ceulen, Auteur ; Conchita Gomez, Auteur ; Michel Delcroix (1946-...), Auteur |
Editeur : |
Paris [France] : Elsevier |
Année de publication : |
2009 |
Collection : |
Sage-femme num. 8 |
Importance : |
p.312-317 |
Langues : |
Français (fre) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] personne:par métier:professionnel de la santé:sage-femme [TABAC] chimie du tabac:fumée:monoxyde de carbone [TABAC] sevrage tabagique:aide au sevrage:prise en charge [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:facteur associé:grossesse [TABAC] tabagisme:tabagisme actif [TABAC] tabagisme:tabagisme passif
Index. décimale : |
TA 0.3.1 Professionnels de la santé |
Résumé : |
L’objectif global de cette enquête est de s’intéresser à la prise en charge du tabagisme actif et/ou passif au cours de la grossesse afin de mettre en évidence l’approche multidisciplinaire et ainsi faire le point sur la place de la sage-femme belge dans le repérage et la prise en charge de cette addiction. Plusieurs hypothèses sur le positionnement des sages-femmes sont abordées, telles que : l’investissement dans la prévention du tabagisme durant la grossesse l’information des femmes enceintes sur les risques du tabagisme durant la grossesse la pratique de la mesure du monoxyde de carbone en routine clinique la formation au dépistage du tabagisme actif et/ou passif ressentie comme insuffisante. Afin de répondre à cette série d’hypothèses, une enquête est réalisée auprès de 160 sages-femmes belges volontaires exerczant en secteur(s) hospitalier(s) public et/ou privé. Cette enquête est réalisée à partir d’un autoquestionnaire qui comporte des questions fermées, à choix multiples et une question rédactionnelle courte à partir d’un cas clinique. Sur 150 questionnaires envoyés, 70 nous ont été retournés. Il semble apparaître qu’à l’heure actuelle, la sage-femme belge a la volonté d’informer la femme enceinte fumeuse des risques encourus, de proposer la mesure du monoxyde de carbone expiré, de prendre en charge ses patients, mais se sentant insuffisamment formée, elle oriente trop souvent vers un autre professionnel de santé. Uniquement disponible dans la bibliothèque virtuelle (Grossesse) |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 002473 | TA 0.3.1 VAN B | Article/Périodique | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Titre : |
Can support and education for smoking cessation and reduction be effectively by midwives within primary maternity care? |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
Déborah McLeod, Auteur ; Susan Pullon, Auteur ; Cheryl Benn, Auteur |
Editeur : |
Paris [France] : Elsevier |
Année de publication : |
2004 |
Collection : |
Midwifery, ISSN 0266-6138 |
Importance : |
p. 37-50 |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] personne:par métier:professionnel de la santé:sage-femme [DIVERS] personne:par sexe:femme:femme enceinte [TABAC] étude:statistique [TABAC] sevrage tabagique:aide au sevrage
Index. décimale : |
TA 0.3.4 Infirmiers,-ères |
Résumé : |
To test the hypothesis that appropriate interventions delivered by midwives within usual primary maternity care, can assist women to stop or reduce the amount they smoke and facilitate longer duration of breast feeding.
In a cluster randomised trial of smoking education and breast-feeding interventions in the lower North Island, New Zealand, midwives were stratified by locality and randomly allocated into a control group and three intervention groups. The control group provided usual care. Midwives in the intervention groups delivered either a programme of education and support for smoking cessation or reduction, a programme of education and support for breast feeding or both programmes. Sixty-one midwives recruited a total of 297 women.
Structured programmes provided by midwives.
Women receiving only the smoking cessation or reduction programme were significantly more likely to have reduced, stopped smoking or maintained smoking changes than women in the control group, at 28 weeks and 36 weeks gestation. Women receiving both the smoking cessation and breast-feeding education and support programmes were significantly more likely than women in the control group to have changed their smoking behaviour at 36 weeks gestation. There was no difference in rates of cessation or reduction between the groups in the postnatal period. There was no difference in rates of full breast feeding between the control and intervention groups for women who planned to breast feed. |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 005348 | TA 3.0 MCL C | Article/Périodique | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 005203 | TA 6.7 BAI E | Mémoire/Thèse | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Titre : |
Midwives' attitude to counselling women about their smoking behaviour during and postpartum |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
J.R. Thyrian, Auteur ; Wolfgang Hannöver, Auteur ; Kathrin Röske, Auteur |
Editeur : |
Paris [France] : Elsevier |
Année de publication : |
2005 |
Collection : |
Midwifery, ISSN 0266-6138 |
Importance : |
p.32-39 |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] personne:par métier:professionnel de la santé:sage-femme [TABAC] tabagisme:habitude tabagique [TABAC] tabagisme:tabagisme actif:tabagisme féminin:tabagisme durant la grossesse
Index. décimale : |
TA 0.3.4 Infirmiers,-ères |
Résumé : |
to investigate the attitudes of midwives to counselling women about their smoking behaviour during pregnancy and postpartum.
survey using postal questionnaires.
the entire federal state of Mecklenburg-West-Pomerania in Germany.
189 midwives constituting 77% of all midwives working in that State.
midwives reported that they assessed smoking behaviour regularly (77%), addressed the consequences of smoking (70%) and advised women to quit. Among the midwives, 81% saw low chances of success and parents' expectations as the biggest barriers to counselling. Midwives reported that about 28% of women quit following their advice.
smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke are seen as prominent health threats that midwives reported they addressed routinely, including giving advice to stop smoking.
midwives should be supported in learning effective intervention strategies to further strengthen their work. They are a target population to deliver brief smoking interventions. |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 005353 | TA 0.3.4 THY M | Article/Périodique | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Titre : |
Midwives' knowledge, perceptions, beliefs, and practice supports regarding tobacco dependence treatment |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
Diane J. Abatemarco, Auteur ; Michael B. Steinberg, Auteur ; Cristine D. Delnevo, Auteur |
Editeur : |
Paris [France] : Elsevier |
Année de publication : |
2007 |
Collection : |
Journal of midwifery & women's health, ISSN 1526-9523 |
Importance : |
p. 451-457 |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] géographie:Amérique:Amérique du Nord:Etats-Unis [DIVERS] personne:par métier:professionnel de la santé:sage-femme [DIVERS] personne:par sexe:femme:femme enceinte [TABAC] étude [TABAC] sevrage tabagique:méthode de sevrage:méthode individuelle:approche psychologique:technique des 5 A
Index. décimale : |
TA 6.2.1 Simples conseils, avis |
Résumé : |
Clinical practice guidelines and evidence-based reviews confirm the efficacy of tobacco dependence treatment for pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to examine tobacco dependence treatment practices among certified nurse-midwives who treat pregnant women who smoke. Midwives were surveyed to determine knowledge, perceptions, and beliefs about tobacco cessation treatment and to identify practice environmental factors that support treatment practices. Half of all midwives had not heard of the US Public Health Service Guidelines (5 A's) to assist smokers in cessation treatment. We found varying levels of adherence to the clinical practice guidelines. Nearly all midwives routinely ask, advise, and assess; while fewer encourage patients to set a quit date or discuss medication options (assist) and perform follow-up activities (arrange). Barriers significantly associated with clinical tobacco treatment practice are lack of training and competing priorities in the visit. One-office support, a system in place to provide smoking cessation information and resources, was associated with increased practice. In summary, midwives believe they should be providing tobacco dependence treatment, yet they identify a need for training. The findings of this study also indicate that sustained practice change, which includes the entire practice environment, should be targeted to enhance tobacco dependence treatment. |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 005322 | TA 6.2.1 ABA M | Article/Périodique | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Titre : |
Possibilities for transparency and trust in the communication between midwives and pregnant woman : the case of smoking |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
Zaino Petersen, Auteur ; Maria Nilsson, Auteur ; Katherine Everett, Auteur |
Editeur : |
Paris [France] : Elsevier |
Année de publication : |
2007 |
Importance : |
10 p. |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] personne:par métier:professionnel de la santé:sage-femme [DIVERS] personne:par sexe:femme:femme enceinte [TABAC] étude
Index. décimale : |
TA 0.3.4 Infirmiers,-ères |
Résumé : |
Objective : to explore barriers to and possibilities for interactive communication between midwives and pregnant women regarding smoking behaviour during pregnancy.
Design : the study was based on a qualitative research design aiming at a Grounded Theory analysis of interviews with pregnant women.
Setting : public sector antenatal clinics in Cape Town, South Africa predominantly providing care to women of mixed ancestry.
Informants : in-depth interviews with 12 pregnant women purposively selected on the basis of smoking behaviour, age and marital status to reach maximum variation.
Findings : the findings indicated low levels of transparency and trust in antenatal visits. Lack of trust was related to categories such as conflicting personal capabilities and socio-cultural and medical expectations, combined with a didactic approach from caregivers. The unworthy woman was identified as the core category of the interviews describing how women feel in their relationship with midwives. A theoretical model illustrates possibilities for change in relation to an ideal situation where a supportive caregiver, congruent expectations and capabilities result in women feeling visible.
Key conclusions and implications for practice : culturally appropriate smoking cessation interventions should be of high priority. Training in patient-centred counselling for midwives is necessary for creating an open dialogue with pregnant mothers about their smoking habits. The time constraint experienced by midwives also suggests that other methods apart from midwife counselling should be investigated for inclusion in the clinical setting. |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 005356 | TA 0.3.4 PET P | Article/Périodique | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Titre : |
Some lessons from Swedish midwes' experiences of appoaching women qmokers in antenatal care |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
Agneta Abrahamsson, Auteur ; Jane Springett, Auteur ; Leif Karlsson, Auteur ; Anders Hakansson, Auteur ; Torgny Ottosson, Auteur |
Editeur : |
Paris [France] : Elsevier |
Année de publication : |
2005 |
Collection : |
Midwifery, ISSN 0266-6138 |
Importance : |
p. 335-345 |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] géographie:Europe:Europe du Nord:Suède [DIVERS] personne:par métier:professionnel de la santé:sage-femme [TABAC] sevrage tabagique:aide au sevrage:conseil de sevrage [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:facteur associé:grossesse [TABAC] tabagisme:tabagisme actif:tabagisme féminin:tabagisme durant la grossesse
Index. décimale : |
TA 0.3.4 Infirmiers,-ères |
Résumé : |
to describe the qualitatively different ways in which midwives make sense of how to approach women smokers.
a more person-centred national project 'Smoke-free pregnancy' has been in progress in Sweden since 1992. Using a phenomenographic approach, 24 midwives who have been regularly working in antenatal care were interviewed about addressing smoking during pregnancy.
four different story types of how the midwives made sense of their experiences in addressing smoking in pregnancy were identified: 'avoiding', 'informing', 'friend-making', 'co-operating'.
the midwives' story types about how they approached women who smoke illustrated the difficulties of changing from being an expert who gives information and advice to being an expert on how to enable a woman in finding out why she smoked and how to stop smoking.
health education about smoking that is built on co-operation and dialogue was seen by the midwives as a productive way of working. The starting point should be the lay perspective of a woman, which means that her thoughts about smoking cessation are given the space to grow while she talks. |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 005349 | TA 0.3.4 ABR S | Article/Périodique | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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