Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (25)

Titre : Advances in social media research to reduce tobacco use Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Grace Kong, Auteur ; Kelly D. Blake, Auteur ; Dan Romer, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Nicotine and Tobacco Research num. 26 Importance : 2 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet
[TABAC] tabagisme:aspect psychologique:image de la cigarette
[TABAC] tabagisme:aspect psychologique:image du fumeurIndex. décimale : TA 5.4 Prévention et médias Résumé : Social media is a broad term used to refer to websites and applications that are text-, image-, and video-based, enabling users to connect and interact with their social network and the broader community through sharing information and expressing viewpoints.1,2 Inadequate regulation, coupled with the ability to reach many people quickly and with minimal cost, has enabled the proliferation of harmful tobacco-related content on social media. Conversely, social media is also a promising medium to counteract positive social norms surrounding tobacco use, disseminate health information, and encourage cessation, though less is known about the reach and effectiveness of social media-based interventions to reduce tobacco use. En ligne : https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntad250 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10238 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Assessing TikTok videos content of tobacco usage by leveraging deep learning methods / Naga Venkata Sai Raviteja Chappa (2024)
Titre : Assessing TikTok videos content of tobacco usage by leveraging deep learning methods Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Naga Venkata Sai Raviteja Chappa, Auteur ; Susana Rodriguez Gongora, Auteur ; Charlotte Mccormick, Auteur Année de publication : 2024 Importance : 3 p. Présentation : ill. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [DIVERS] type de document:vidéo
[TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette
[TABAC] législation:législation antitabac
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internetMots-clés : réseaux sociaux Index. décimale : TA 8.8.1 Publicité indirecte Résumé : This study addresses concerns surrounding the inadvertent promotion of tobacco-related products on TikTok by introducing an efficient deep learning-based video analysis system. Our approach focuses on categorizing TikTok videos based on tobacco-related cues, including content related to e-cigarettes, vapes, cigarettes, various tobacco flavors, and accessories that may bypass tobacco control policies.
The proposed two-stage process begins with the extraction of essential cues using speech-to-text, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and video classification techniques. This initial
phase comprehensively captures textual and visual information associated with tobacco products, forming the foundation for understanding video content. Subsequently, in the second stage,
the extracted cues are integrated into a vision-language model alongside the input video. This stage trains the model to analyze contextual nuances, achieving a detailed understanding of the
nuanced elements associated with tobacco promotion on TikTok.
The system classifies input videos into predefined classes (cigarette, e-cigarette/vapes, pouches, or others) and provides detailed analyses. This capability enables a granular examination
of diverse tobacco-related content on TikTok, proving valuable for regulatory agencies like the FDA in quickly identifying potential illegal promotion and sales of non-compliant tobacco
products and accessories.
En ligne : https://www.techrxiv.org/doi/full/10.36227/techrxiv.171467786.69531309/v1 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10301 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Characterizing anti-vaping posts for effective communication on instagram using multimodal deep learning / Zidian Xie (2024)
Titre : Characterizing anti-vaping posts for effective communication on instagram using multimodal deep learning Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Zidian Xie, Auteur ; Shijian Deng, Auteur ; Pinxin Liu, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Nicotine and Tobacco Research num. 26 Importance : 6 p. Présentation : tab. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne anti-tabac
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet
[TABAC] tabagisme:aspect psychologique:image de la cigaretteIndex. décimale : TA 5.4 Prévention et médias Résumé : Introduction:
Instagram is a popular social networking platform for sharing photos with a large proportion of youth and young adult users. We aim to identify key features in anti-vaping Instagram image posts associated with high social media user engagement by artificial intelligence.
Aims and Methods:
We collected 8972 anti-vaping Instagram image posts and hand-coded 2200 Instagram images to identify nine image features such as warning signs and person-shown vaping. We utilized a deep-learning model, the OpenAI: contrastive language-image pretraining with ViT-B/32 as the backbone and a 5-fold cross-validation model evaluation, to extract similar features from the Instagram image and further trained logistic regression models for multilabel classification. Latent Dirichlet Allocation model and Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner were used to extract the topics and sentiment from the captions. Negative binomial regression models were applied to identify features associated with the likes and comments count of posts.
Several features identified in anti-vaping Instagram image posts were significantly associated with high social media user engagement (likes or comments), such as educational warnings and warning signs. Instagram posts with captions about health risks associated with vaping received significantly more likes or comments than those about help quitting smoking or vaping. Compared to the model based on 2200 handcoded Instagram image posts, more significant features have been identified from 8972 AI-labeled Instagram image posts.
Features identified from anti-vaping Instagram image posts will provide a potentially effective way to communicate with the public about the health effects of e-cigarette use.
Considering the increasing popularity of social media and the current vaping epidemic, especially among youth and young adults, it becomes necessary to understand e-cigarette-related content on social media. Although pro-vaping messages dominate social media, antivaping messages are limited and often have low user engagement. Using advanced deep-learning and statistical models, we identified severalfeatures in anti-vaping Instagram image posts significantly associated with high user engagement. Our findings provide a potential approach to effectively communicate with the public about the health risks of vaping to protect public health.En ligne : https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntad189 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10239 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Titre : La clope, écrasée dans la toile Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jacqueline Remits, Auteur Editeur : Ed. du Médecin Généraliste (EMG) Année de publication : 25/06/2009 Collection : Le Généraliste num. 927 Importance : p.14 Note générale : http://www.tabac.ssmg.be Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet Index. décimale : TA 0.3.1 Professionnels de la santé Résumé : Dans le cadre de son travail de fin d'études et en collaboration avec la commission tabac de l'Institut de médecine préventive de la SSMG, Thomas Jonard a créé un site internet consacré au sevrage tabagique. Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=2657 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité TA 002368 TA 0.3.1 REM C Article/Périodique Bibliothèque FARES Tabac Consultation sur place
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Titre : Comité national contre le tabagisme Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Yves Martinet, Directeur de publication Editeur : Comité National Contre le Tabagisme (CNCT) Année de publication : 2017 Note générale : Consulté le 23 janvier 2017 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [DIVERS] association:association française:Comité National Contre le Tabagisme
[DIVERS] géographie:Europe:Europe occidentale:France
[DIVERS] type de document:site web
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internetIndex. décimale : TA 5.4 Prévention et médias En ligne : http://www.cnct.fr/ Format de la ressource électronique : HTML Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=8164 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Cross-sectional study of the associations between the implementation of the WHO FCTC tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship bans and current e-cigarette use among youth from countries with different income levels / Tuija Ylitörmänen (2024)
Titre : Cross-sectional study of the associations between the implementation of the WHO FCTC tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship bans and current e-cigarette use among youth from countries with different income levels Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Tuija Ylitörmänen, Auteur ; Yelena Tarasenko, Auteur ; Heikki Hiilamo, Auteur ; Otto Ruokolainen, Auteur ; Pekka Puska, Auteur ; Hanna Ollila, Auteur Editeur : BMJ Publishing Group Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Tobacco Control Importance : 9 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [DIVERS] personne:par âge:jeune
[TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette
[TABAC] étude
[TABAC] législation:Convention Cadre sur la Lutte Anti Tabac
[TABAC] législation:législation antitabac:interdiction de la publicité
[TABAC] législation:lutte anti-tabac
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internetIndex. décimale : TA 9.1.2 Publicité Résumé : Background: The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) Article 13 requires countries to ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS), and bans are recommended to cover electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). We examined youth e-cigarette prevalence by TAPS regulations in countries with different income levels.
Methods: We analysed data on 165 299 respondents from 48 countries with 2016/2018 WHO FCTC implementation reports and 2016-2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey. We used multilevel logistic regressions to examine associations between TAPS regulations and current e-cigarette use, stratified by country income.
Results: About 1 in 10 respondents was currently using e-cigarettes. Respondents in countries with TAPS bans on the internet were less likely to use e-cigarettes (adjOR=0.58; 95% CI 0.39 to 0.86) than youth in countries without such bans. In lower middle-income and low-income countries, bans on displaying tobacco products at the point of sale (adjOR=0.55; 95% CI 0.34 to 0.90), bans on product placement (adjOR=0.44; 95% CI 0.28 to 0.69) and strength of additional TAPS measures were associated with lower prevalence of e-cigarette use among students. Being taught about the dangers of the use of tobacco in school was associated with lower odds of e-cigarette use. No differences in the use of e-cigarettes were observed by types of TAPS among respondents in high-income countries.
Conclusions: Strengthening implementation of TAPS policies and assuring they cover new and emerging products, online channels and points of sales are essential, especially in lower income countries. Maintaining tobacco health education is also important to protect youth from e-cigarette use.
En ligne : https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/early/2024/01/29/tc-2023-058160 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10221 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Titre : Evaluating the real cost digital and social media campaign : longitudinal effects of campaign exposure on e-cigarette beliefs Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Anna MacMonegle, Auteur ; Morgane Benett, Auteur ; Jessica L. Speer, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Nicotine and Tobacco Research num. 26 Importance : 8 p. Présentation : tab. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [DIVERS] géographie:Amérique:Amérique du Nord:Etats-Unis
[DIVERS] personne:par âge:jeune
[TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne anti-tabac
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internetIndex. décimale : TA 1.1.1 Cigarettes (« normales », électroniques, aromatisées,…) Résumé : Introduction:
Over the past decade, youth e-cigarette use has risen exponentially. At the same time, digital media use increased markedly while the use of traditional broadcast TV declined. In response, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s The Real Cost public education campaign shifted to communicating the harms of e-cigarette via primarily digital and social platforms. This study evaluated longitudinal associations between exposure to campaign advertisements and changes in campaign-specific beliefs among US youth.
A nationally representative longitudinal cohort of youth (aged 11–16 years at baseline) was surveyed five times. Building on earlier work, we analyzed data from the last three waves (April–July 2020; January–April 2021; and August–October 2021; N = 2625). We assessed self-reported exposure to six ads and agreement with 11 beliefs that were each targeted by one or more ads. Eleven weighted panel regression models assessed whether ad exposure predicted changes in campaign-specific beliefs over time.
We observed significant associations between ad exposure and increases in at least one campaign-specific belief for five of the six ads. Across the 11 beliefs, we observed associations between increased exposure and increases in 6 beliefs related to e-cigarettes and toxic metals, lung damage, dangerous ingredients, anxiety, cigarette use, and disappointing important people.
Conclusions: We found evidence that self-reported exposure to this digital and social media campaign was successful at influencing youth, providing support for the effectiveness of the campaign’s adaption to address youth’s changes in tobacco and media use habits.
The Food and Drug Administration’s The Real Cost public education campaign educates youth about the dangers of e-cigarette use. This study evaluates longitudinal associations between exposure to The Real Cost’s advertisements and changes in campaign-specific beliefs among youth. Considering evolving trends in youth media consumption, the campaign adapted its media approach to increase delivery across digital and social media platforms. Our findings indicate that the campaign reached its intended audience and increased youth beliefs around the harm of e-cigarettes and the consequences of e-cigarette use, offering evidence for the effectiveness of digital and social media
youth prevention efforts within a fragmented digital environment.En ligne : https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntad185 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10240 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Factors associated with abstinence among young adult smokers enrolled in a real-world social media smoking cessation program / Joanne Chen Lyu (2024)
Titre : Factors associated with abstinence among young adult smokers enrolled in a real-world social media smoking cessation program Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Joanne Chen Lyu, Auteur ; Meredith C. Meacham, Auteur ; Nhung Nguyen, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Nicotine and Tobacco Research num. 26 Importance : 9 p. Présentation : ill, tab. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [DIVERS] personne:par âge:adulte
[DIVERS] personne:par âge:jeune
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:méthode de sevrage:méthode individuelleIndex. décimale : TA 6.3.4 Autres programmes (cures…) Résumé : Objective:
Social media platforms are promising to provide smoking cessation support. This study aimed to identify baseline factors associated with cigarette smoking abstinence among young adult smokers enrolled in a real-world social media-based smoking cessation program.
Aims and Methods:
We analyzed data from young adult smokers (aged 18–30 years) participating in a publicly available Facebook-based smoking cessation program serving the San Francisco Bay Area. The analytic sample consisted of 248 participants who completed both the baseline and follow-up surveys at 3 months. Multivariable logistic regression analysis determined baseline factors significantly associated with self-reported 7-day cigarette smoking abstinence at 3 months.
Participants were race/ethnically diverse, well-educated, and 47.6% reported LGB + sexual identity. Those who reported dual use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes in the past 30 days (vs. cigarette use only), current alcohol users (vs. non-users), and those aged 25–30 years (vs.18–24 years) were significantly less likely to report 7-day abstinence at 3 months. Non-daily smokers (vs. daily smokers) and those with high desire to quit smoking (vs. low to moderate desire) were more likely to report abstinence. Results also showed reduction in the percentage of e-cigarette and other tobacco product use among participants.
Social media interventions may be more effective for young adult non-daily smokers and those with high desire to quit smoking. Smoking cessation programs may help reduce use of other tobacco products among treatment-seeking smokers. Smoking cessation interventions for young adults need to explicitly address dual use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes and use of alcohol.
Findings of this study highlight the need for future interventions to address dual use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes and use of alcohol to improve cigarette smoking abstinence outcomes. The reduction in the use of other tobacco products among program participants indicates that social media smoking cessation programs may exert a broader positive influence on overall tobacco consumption. The large number of LGB+ smokers participating in the program suggests social media is a promising cessation channel for this hard-to-reach group, warranting further study.En ligne : https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntad170 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10242 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Global reach of an internet smoking cessation intervention among Spanish- and English- speaking from 157 countries / Alinne Z. Barrera (2009)
Titre : Global reach of an internet smoking cessation intervention among Spanish- and English- speaking from 157 countries Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Alinne Z. Barrera, Auteur ; Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, Auteur ; Kevin L. Delucchi, Auteur ; Ricardo F. Munoz, Auteur Editeur : Bâle [Suisse] : MDPI AG (Molecular Diversity Preservation International) Année de publication : 2009 Collection : International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, ISSN 1660-4601 num. 6 Importance : p. 927-940 Présentation : tab. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] étude:enquête
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:aide au sevrage:conseil de sevrage
[TABAC] tabagisme:habitude tabagiqueIndex. décimale : TA 6.2 Méthodes individuelles Résumé : This investigation is a secondary analysis of demographic, smoking, and depression information in a global sample of Spanish- and English-speaking smokers who participated in a series of randomized controlled smoking cessation trials conducted via the Internet. The final sample consisted of 17,579 smokers from 157 countries. Smoking profiles were similar across languages and world regions and consistent with characteristics of participants in traditional smoking cessation studies. Participants were predominantly Spanish-speakers, evenly divided between men and women and relatively few indicated using traditional smoking cessation methods (e.g., groups or medication). This study demonstrates that substantial numbers of smokers from numerous countries seek Web-based smoking cessation resources and adds to the growing support for Web-assisted tobacco interventions as an additional tool to address the need for global smoking cessation efforts. En ligne : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672395/ Format de la ressource électronique : HTML, PDF Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=8053 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité TA 005603 TA 6.2 BAR G Article/Périodique Bibliothèque FARES Tabac Consultation sur place
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Internet cigarette vendors' lack of compliance with a California State law designed to prevent tobacco sales to minors / R.S. Williams (2006)
Titre : Internet cigarette vendors' lack of compliance with a California State law designed to prevent tobacco sales to minors Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : R.S. Williams, Auteur ; K.M. Ribisl, Auteur ; E.C. Feighery, Auteur Editeur : American Medical Association (AMA) Année de publication : 2006 Collection : JAMA Pediatrics num. 160 Importance : p.988-989 Catégories : [DIVERS] géographie:Amérique:Amérique du Nord:Etats-Unis
[TABAC] législation
[TABAC] législation:législation antitabac:protection des non-fumeurs
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internetIndex. décimale : TA 9.3.6 Protection des non-fumeurs Résumé : Manque de conformité avec une loi de l'État Californien conçu pour empêcher la vente de tabac aux mineurs par les ventes de cigarettes en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=1462 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité TA 004696 TA 9.3.6 WIL I Article/Périodique Bibliothèque FARES Tabac Consultation sur place
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Titre : Messaging for change : investigating effective communication strategies to promote youth vaping cessation on social média Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Jiaxi Wu, Auteur Editeur : Boston University Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 163 p. Présentation : tab. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [DIVERS] personne:par âge:jeune
[TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette
[TABAC] étude
[TABAC] prévention
[TABAC] prévention:campagne
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet
[TABAC] prévention:stratégie
[TABAC] tabagisme:tabagisme passifMots-clés : stratégie de communication Index. décimale : TA 5.2 Méthodologie et enquête Résumé : This dissertation comprises three studies with the overarching goal of investigating effective messaging strategies to encourage e-cigarette cessation among youth who use e-cigarettes. Study one employs the McGuire’s Communication/Persuasion model to identify research gaps in the literature on health messages targeting youth e-cigarette use. The systematic review reveals a lack of research specifically targeting vaping cessation among youth who currently use e-cigarettes. As a result, the
subsequent studies in this dissertation focus on youth vaping cessation to address this research gap. Study two presents a content analysis of existing vaping-cessation related TikTok videos. The findings of study 2 suggest that themes pertaining to physical health outcomes, nicotine addiction, harmful chemicals, and relatable message sources were associated with higher engagement, underscoring the importance of tailored messaging content and relatable sources to engage the young audience on TikTok. Study 3 consists of an experimental study that specifically examines the effects of message frames (gain vs. loss) and two types of expert message sources (formal vs. informal expert sources) on youth intention to quit vaping. The study found that TikTok videos employing gainviii framed messages hold promise in promoting positive emotional responses and, consequently, intention to quit vaping among youth. Lastly, chapter 5 provides a summary of the findings within this dissertation, offering insights into future research directions and proposing practical implications derived from the three studies.Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10209 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
contenu dans Revue de médecine générale - numéro spécial tabacologie / Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale (01/04/2010)![]()
Titre : Outils en ligne et campagne 'Sevrage pour tous' : des aides à ne pas rater ! Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Thierry Van Der Schueren, Auteur ; Thomas Jonard, Auteur ; Valérie Delpierre, Auteur ; Nicolas Raevens, Auteur ; Pierre Nys, Auteur Editeur : Société Scientique de Médecine Générale (SSMG) Année de publication : 15/09/2009 Collection : Revue de médecine générale num. 265 Importance : p. 289-290 Note générale : Cet article est aussi paru dans le n°272 spécial tabacologie du RMG, p.145-156 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [DIVERS] discipline médicale, paramédicale et scientifique:médecine:médecine générale
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet
[TABAC] prévention:santé:financement de la santé:remboursement
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:aide au sevrage
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:aide au sevrage:prise en chargeIndex. décimale : TA 6.6 Marqueurs Résumé : Une nomenclature spécifique pour le remboursement des consultations consacrées à l’aide au sevrage tabagique a été créée. Les règles d’obtention sont simples et 3 codes INAMI existent. L’un est réservé à la première consultation (740434), le second pour les maximum 7 suivantes (740456) et un code spécifique pour l’accompagnement de la femme enceinte (740471). Un contenu optimal de ces consultations est suggéré par le comité scientifique d’accompagnement. Tous les outils suggérés et bien d’autres sont rassemblés sur les pages «tabac» de la SSMG (www.tabac.ssmg.be) En ligne : https://www.ssmg.be/images/ssmg/files/RMG/272/RMG272_145-146.pdf Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=2987 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité TA 002483 TA 6.6 VAN O Article/Périodique Bibliothèque FARES Tabac Consultation sur place
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Scalable surveillance of e-cigarette products on Instagram and TikTok using computer vision / Julia Vassey (2024)
Titre : Scalable surveillance of e-cigarette products on Instagram and TikTok using computer vision Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Julia Vassey, Auteur ; Chris J. Kennedy, Auteur ; Chang Ho-Chun Herbert, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Nicotine and Tobacco Research Importance : 24 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette
[TABAC] économie du tabac:marketing:publicité:publicité pro-tabac:publicité directe
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internetMots-clés : réseaux sociaux, informatique Index. décimale : TA 1.1.1 Cigarettes (« normales », électroniques, aromatisées,…) Résumé : Introduction:
Instagram and TikTok, video-based social media platforms popular among adolescents, contain tobacco-related content despite the platforms’ policies prohibiting substance-related posts. Prior research identified themes in e-cigarette-related social media posts using qualitative or text-based machine learning methods. We developed an image-based computer vision model to identify e-cigarette products in social media images and videos.
We created a dataset of 6,999 Instagram images labeled for 8 object classes: mod or pod devices, e-juice containers, packaging boxes, nicotine warning labels, e-juice flavors, e-cigarette brand names, and smoke clouds. We trained a DyHead object detection model using a Swin-Large backbone, evaluated the model’s performance on 20 Instagram and TikTok videos, and applied the model to 14,072 e-cigarette-related promotional TikTok videos (2019-2022; 10,276,485 frames).
The model achieved the following mean average precision scores on the image test set: e-juice container: 0.89; pod device: 0.67; mod device: 0.54; packaging box: 0.84; nicotine warning label: 0.86; e-cigarette brand name: 0.71; e-juice flavor name: 0.89; and smoke cloud: 0.46. The largest number of TikTok videos – 9,091 (65%) - contained smoke clouds, followed by mod and pod devices detected in 6,667 (47%) and 5,949 (42%) videos respectively. Prevalence of nicotine warning labels was the lowest, detected in 980 videos (7%).
Deep learning-based object detection technology enables automated analysis of visual posts on social media. Our computer vision model can detect the presence of e-cigarettes products in images and videos, providing valuable surveillance data for tobacco regulatory scienc.
Implications :
● Prior research identified themes in e-cigarette-related social media posts using qualitative or text-based machine learning methods. We developed an image-based computer vision model to identify e-cigarette products in social media images and videos.
● We trained a DyHead object detection model using a Swin-Large backbone, evaluated the model’s performance on 20 Instagram and TikTok videos featuring at least two e-cigarette objects, and applied the model to 14,072 e-cigarette-related promotional TikTok videos (2019-2022; 10,276,485 frames).
● The deep learning model can be used for automated, scalable surveillance of image- and video-based e-cigarette-related promotional content on social media, providing valuable data for tobacco regulatory science. Social media platforms could use computer vision to identify tobacco-related imagery and remove it promptly, which could reduce adolescents’ exposure to tobacco content online.Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10283 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Le sevrage tabagique (2000)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité TA 000391 TA 0.1.1 SOC S Colloque Bibliothèque FARES Tabac Disponible Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Un site français consacré aux drogues et dépendances (01/05/2007)
Titre : Un site français consacré aux drogues et dépendances Type de document : texte imprimé Editeur : Bruxelles : Actuamedica Année de publication : 01/05/2007 Collection : Le Journal du Médecin Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [DIVERS] géographie:Europe:Europe occidentale:France
[TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet
[TABAC] tabagisme:risque:facteur associé:drogueIndex. décimale : TA 8.4 Groupement et organisme de prévention Résumé : www.drogues-dependances.fr est une initiative récemment lancée sur la toile par l'Institut national de prévention et d'éducation pour la santé et la mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie. Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=2381 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité TA 001357 TA 8.4 SIT T Article/Périodique Bibliothèque FARES Tabac Consultation sur place
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