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Titre : |
Message framing for smoking cessation : the interaction of risk perceptions and gendrer |
Type de document : |
document électronique |
Auteurs : |
Benjamin, A. Toll, Auteur ; Peter Salovey, Auteur ; Stéphanie O'Malley, Auteur |
Editeur : |
Oxford University Press |
Année de publication : |
2008 |
Collection : |
Nicotine and Tobacco Research num. 0:1 |
Importance : |
p. 195-200 |
Présentation : |
tab.,graph. |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] personne:par sexe:femme [DIVERS] personne:par sexe:homme [TABAC] sevrage tabagique [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:perception du risque
Index. décimale : |
TA 6.2.1 Simples conseils, avis |
Résumé : |
Because quitting smoking is clearly linked to preventing health problems such as lung cancer, research on health message framing based on prospect theory suggests that gain-framed messages (i.e., emphasizing the benefits of quitting smoking) would be more persuasive in promoting cessation than loss-framed messages (i.e., emphasizing the costs of continuing to smoke). However, because women tend to anticipate greater perceived risk from quitting smoking than men, this may affect how receptive they are to specific message framing interventions. Data from 249 participants (129 females, 120 males) in a clinical trial of message framing for smoking cessation with bupropion were used to examine how gender differences in perceptions of the risks associated with quitting influence the effects of framed interventions using number of days to smoking relapse as the criterion. Perceived risk of quitting scores were dichotomized using a median split for the entire sample. Women reported a higher perceived risk of cessation than men. Participants who anticipated high risks associated with quitting smoking reported fewer days to relapse. Further, females in the gain-framed condition who reported low perceived risks of cessation had a greater number of days to relapse, as opposed to females in the loss-framed condition. These findings suggest that message framing interventions for smoking cessation should consider the influence of gender and risk perceptions associated with quitting on the effectiveness of framed interventions. |
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Titre : |
Risk perceptions of little cigar and cigarillo smoking among adult current cigarette smokers |
Type de document : |
document électronique |
Auteurs : |
Kymberle, L. Sterling, Auteur ; Ban, A. Majeed, Auteur ; Amy Nyman, Auteur |
Editeur : |
Oxford University Press |
Année de publication : |
2017 |
Collection : |
Nicotine and Tobacco Research num. 19(11) |
Importance : |
p.1351-1358 |
Présentation : |
tab. |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] personne:par âge:adulte [TABAC] chimie du tabac:tabac fumé:cigarette [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:perception du risque
Index. décimale : |
TA 3.2 Effets du tabagisme actif |
Résumé : |
Few studies have examined the perceptions of risk of LCC smoking among cigarette smokers, which is important for expanding regulatory policies and developing prevention programs. We examined current cigarette smokers’ perceived harm of LCC smoking, and determined whether these perceptions were associated with susceptibility and intention to continue smoking LCCs.
Methods: Data were from the 2014 Tobacco Products and Risk Perceptions Survey of a probability sample of 5717 US adults. Data were analyzed for a subsample of 1191 current cigarette smokers who were stratified into three groups: 1) dual current cigarette smokers who had ever used LCCs, 2) current smokers susceptible to LCC smoking, and 3) current smokers who were not susceptible to LCC smoking.
Overall, 47.2% of participants were dual smokers, 12.7% were susceptible to LCC smoking, and 40.1% were not susceptible. Perceptions of risk of LCCs varied across the groups. Dual smokers were more likely to perceive that daily LCC smoking is ‘very risky’ (OR = 1.64, 95% CI = 1.08, 2.41) while occasional LCC smoking is only ‘somewhat risky’ (OR = 1.71, 95% CI = 1.02, 2.87). Of the dual smokers, 20.7% intended to continue smoking LCCs in the future. Perceptions of addiction and risk of daily LCC smoking significantly predicted intention to continue LCC smoking. Addiction perceptions also significantly predicted susceptibility to initiate LCC smoking.
Perceptions about harms from and addiction to LCCs could predict future LCC smoking. Health communication campaigns need to address the harms of LCCs.
Our data suggest that perceptions of risk about the addictiveness of LCCs and frequency of use are important determinants of the LCC smoking susceptibility among some cigarette smokers and intended continued use among cigarette smokers with a history of LCC use. Health communication campaigns should address misperceptions related to LCCs. |
En ligne : | |
Format de la ressource électronique : |
Article en ligne |
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Exemplaires (1)
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 005640 | 5.8 MCN S | Article/Périodique | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Titre : |
Le tabagisme chez la femme enceinte : approche qualitative de la perception des risques, des représentations sociales et de l'interprétation des messages reçus |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
Laurence Mustin, Auteur ; Véronique Godding, Directeur de thèse |
Editeur : |
Ixelles [Belgique] : Fonds des Affections Respiratoires (FARES) asbl |
Année de publication : |
2011 |
Importance : |
82 p. |
Langues : |
Français (fre) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] personne:par sexe:femme:femme enceinte [TABAC] tabagisme [TABAC] tabagisme:aspect économique [TABAC] tabagisme:aspect social [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:facteur associé:grossesse [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:perception du risque
Index. décimale : |
TA Grossesse et fœtus |
Résumé : |
Résumé de l'auteur: Les nombreux effets nocifs du tabagisme maternel, tant pour la grossesse que pour la future mère et surtout pour le fœtus et l'enfant en devenir, ont été largement documentés dans la littérature. Cependant, à 1 'heure actuelle, environ une femme enceinte sur quatre est fumeuse en Belgique. Ce constat troublant nous a amené à nous interroger sur les raisons d'un tel comportement. Les études scientifiques démontrent clairement que de nombreux facteurs influencent le maintien du comportement tabagique durant la grossesse. Parmi ces facteurs, le statut socioéconomique fragilisé et la présence d'un entourage fumeur (et plus particulièrement du conjoint) occupent une place importante. Toutefois, des études spécifiques sur la perception des risques et sur les représentations sociales du tabagisme chez les femmes enceintes semblent encore faire défaut dans la littérature actuelle. Nous avons dès lors décidé d'interroger des femmes enceintes, aussi bien fumeuses que non ou ex-fumeuses. Leurs propos ont été recueillis par des entretiens qualitatifs semi-dirigés. Nos objectifs étaient de faire émerger de leur discours non seulement leurs représentations et leur perception des risques liés au tabagisme durant la grossesse mais également de voir quelles informations elles ont reçu sur ce sujet et l'interprétation qu'elles en font. [...] |
En ligne : | [...] |
Format de la ressource électronique : |
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|  |
Exemplaires (1)
TA 004609 | TA MUS T | Mémoire/Thèse | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 002413 | TA 9.3.4. HAM I | Article/Périodique | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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Titre : |
The perceived risks and benefits of quitting in smokers diagnosed with severe mental illness participating in a smoking cessation intervention : Gender differences and comparison to smokers without mental illness |
Type de document : |
document électronique |
Auteurs : |
Sacha,L. Filia, Auteur ; Amanda, L. Baker, Auteur ; Caroline, T. Gurvich, Auteur |
Editeur : |
Wiley |
Année de publication : |
2014 |
Collection : |
Drug and Alcohol Review, ISSN 1465-3362 |
Importance : |
p. 78-85 |
Présentation : |
tab. |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] géographie:Océanie:Australie [TABAC] étude:épidémiologie [TABAC] prévention:santé:santé mentale [TABAC] sevrage tabagique:effet du sevrage:bénéfice du sevrage tabagique [TABAC] tabagisme:effet du tabac:effet psychiatrique [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:perception du risque
Index. décimale : |
TA 6.10 Conséquences / effets à long-terme du sevrage |
Résumé : |
Introduction and Aims. This study aimed to examine the perceived risks and benefits of quitting in smokers diagnosed with psychosis, including potential gender differences and comparisons to smokers in the general population. Design and Methods. Data were collected from 200 people diagnosed with psychosis participating in a randomised controlled trial testing the effectiveness of a multi-component intervention for smoking cessation and cardiovascular disease risk reduction in people with severe mental illness. Results were compared with both treatment and non-treatment seeking smokers in the general population. Results. Male and female smokers with psychosis generally had similar perceived risks and benefits of quitting. Females rated it significantly more likely that they would experience weight gain and negative affect upon quitting than males diagnosed with psychosis. Compared with smokers in the general population also seeking smoking cessation treatment, this sample of smokers with psychosis demonstrated fewer gender differences and lower ratings of perceived risks and benefits of quitting. The pattern of risk and benefit ratings in smokers diagnosed with psychosis was similar to those of non-treatment seeking smokers in the general population. Discussion and Conclusions. These results increase our understanding of smoking in people with severe mental illness, and can directly inform smoking interventions to maximise successful abstinence for this group of smokers.For female smokers with psychosis, smoking cessation interventions need to address concerns regarding weight gain and negative affect. Intervention strategies aimed at enhancing beliefs about the benefits of quitting smoking for both male and female smokers with psychosis are necessary. [Filia S L, Baker A L, Gurvich C T, Richmond R, Kulkarni J. The perceived risks and benefits of quitting in smokers diagnosed with severe mental illness participating in a smoking cessation intervention: Gender differences and comparison to smokers without mental illness. |
En ligne : | |
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Titre : |
Tobacco advertisements and antitobacco campaigns in social media and e-cigarette risk perception and consumption among Texas adolescents |
Type de document : |
document électronique |
Auteurs : |
Mari Kukai Dunlap, Auteur ; Sue Subocz, Directeur de thèse |
Editeur : |
Minneapolis [États-Unis] : Walden University |
Année de publication : |
2023 |
Importance : |
24 p. |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] géographie:Amérique:Amérique du Nord:Etats-Unis [DIVERS] personne:famille:adolescent [TABAC] économie du tabac:marketing:publicité:publicité pro-tabac:publicité directe [TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne anti-tabac [TABAC] prévention:campagne:campagne médiatique:internet [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:perception du risque [TABAC] tabagisme:tabagisme actif
Mots-clés : |
réseau sociaux |
Index. décimale : |
TA 5.4.3 Multimédia |
Résumé : |
Vaping is becoming an epidemic among American teens, and there has been a significant increase the last 5 years. Previous research indicates that exposure to advertisements of ecigarettes
can lead to the subsequent use of e-cigarettes among youth. Further, multiple researchers have found that frequent social media use was associated with a positive attitude toward vaping products. On the other hand, social media can be used to influence the same population by educating them about the harm of the products and may lower the use of vaping and or intention to use it. The purpose of this quantitative cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationships between the combined effect of exposure to tobacco and anti-tobacco campaigns on social media and the perception of risk of vaping and vaping use in Texas adolescents aged 11-18 years, controlling for age, gender, race, school performance, and cigarette use by close friend/family. A multivariable regression analysis of the secondary data collected in 2020 by the Texas Department of State Health Services for Texas Tobacco Survey was conducted. The theory of planned behavior was the theoretical framework of the study. Notable results included that the participants who had seen antitobacco ads on social media were 1.280 times more likely to think vaping is dangerous. (p < .001) In addition, participants who have negative perceptions about vaping were .341 times less likely to vape (p < .001, OR = .341). The findings of this study provide potential impact for positive social change for effective antitobacco campaigns to reduce vaping among teenagers, thus improving their lives and the lives of family, friends, and communities. |
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Titre : |
"Tobacco-free nicotine” electronic cigarette perceptions and use among adolescents and adults in five New England states |
Type de document : |
document électronique |
Auteurs : |
Brittany A. Zulkiewicz, Auteur ; Jonathan P. Winickoff, Auteur ; Mark A. Gottlieb, Auteur ; Karen, M. Emmons, Auteur ; Andy S. L. Tan, Auteur |
Editeur : |
New-York [États-Unis] : Elsevier Science |
Année de publication : |
2024 |
Collection : |
Addictive Behaviors Reports |
Importance : |
20 p. |
Présentation : |
tab. |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
[DIVERS] géographie:Amérique:Amérique du Nord:Etats-Unis [DIVERS] personne:famille:adolescent [DIVERS] personne:par âge:adulte [TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette [TABAC] chimie du tabac:constituant:alcaloïde:nicotine [TABAC] étude:enquête [TABAC] tabagisme:risque:perception du risque
Index. décimale : |
TA 1.1.1 Cigarettes (« normales », électroniques, aromatisées,…) |
Résumé : |
More brands are using tobacco-free nicotine (TFN) in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and these products are becoming increasingly popular. The term TFN and claims about its properties can mislead consumers about the harms and addictiveness of TFN e-cigarettes, which may increase initiation of these products among non-smokers or influence current smokers’decisions to adopt TFN e-cigarettes as a harm reduction measure.
We conducted an observational, cross-sectional survey of 777 adolesc aged 13 to 17 and 655 current adult cigarette smokers residing in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Vermont about their TFN e-cigarette awareness, use, perceptions, and susceptibility. We examined the association between prior awareness of TFN and use, perceptions, and susceptibility.
One-third of adolescents and adults reported being aware of TFN. TFN e-cigarette use was less common than tobacco-derived nicotine (TDN) e-cigarette use among adolescents (8.9%vs. 30.5%) and adults (21.1% vs. 79.4%). Compared to unaware adolescents, adolescents who were aware of TFN more frequently reported being more likely to use TFN compared to TDN ecigarettes and that TFN e-cigarettes are more addictive than those containing TDN. Aware adult |
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Exemplaires (1)
TA 006075 | TA 1.1.4 PUS U | Mémoire/Thèse | Bibliothèque FARES | Tabac | Consultation sur place Exclu du prêt |
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