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Effects of varenicline on smoking cessation in adults with stably treated current or past major depression / Robert M. Anthenelli (2013)
Titre : Effects of varenicline on smoking cessation in adults with stably treated current or past major depression : a randomized trial Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Robert M. Anthenelli, Auteur ; Chad Morris, Auteur ; Tanya S. Ramey, Auteur Editeur : American College of Physicians Année de publication : 2013 Collection : Annals of internal medicine, ISSN 0003-4819 num. vol 159, n.6 Importance : p. 390-400 Présentation : ill., tab. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] étude
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:méthode de sevrage:méthode individuelle:approche pharmacologique:varénicline
[TABAC] tabagisme:effet du tabac:effet psychiatrique:dépressionIndex. décimale : TA Autres substituts nicotiniques Résumé : Background: Depression is overrepresented in smokers.
Objective: To evaluate smoking abstinence and changes in mood and anxiety levels in smokers with depression treated with varenicline versus placebo.
Design: Phase 4, multicenter, parallel, 1:1 allocation, double-blind, randomization trial. Randomization, stratified by antidepressant use and depression score at baseline, was blocked in sizes of 4. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01078298)
Setting: 38 centers in 8 countries.
Participants: 525 adult smokers with stably treated current or past major depression and no recent cardiovascular events.
Intervention: Varenicline, 1 mg twice daily, or placebo for 12 weeks, with 40-week nontreatment follow-up.
Measurements: Primary outcome was carbon monoxide–confirmed continuous abstinence rate (CAR) for weeks 9 to 12. Other outcomes included CARs assessed during nontreatment follow-up and ratings of mood, anxiety, and suicidal ideation or behavior.
Results: 68.4% versus 66.5% of the varenicline and placebo groups, respectively, completed the study. Varenicline-treated participants had higher CARs versus placebo at weeks 9 to 12 (35.9% vs. 15.6%; odds ratio [OR], 3.35 [95% CI, 2.16 to 5.21]; P < 0.001), 9 to 24 (25.0% vs. 12.3%; OR, 2.53 [CI, 1.56 to 4.10]; P < 0.001), and 9 to 52 (20.3% vs. 10.4%; OR, 2.36 [CI, 1.40 to 3.98]; P = 0.001). There were no clinically relevant differences between groups in suicidal ideation or behavior and no overall worsening of depression or anxiety in either group. The most frequent adverse event was nausea (varenicline, 27.0%; placebo, 10.4%). Two varenicline-group participants died during the nontreatment phase.
Limitations: Some data were missing, and power to detect differences between groups was low in rare events. Smokers with untreated depression, with co-occurring psychiatric conditions, or receiving mood stabilizers and antipsychotics were not included.
Conclusion: Varenicline increased smoking cessation in smokers with stably treated current or past depression without exacerbating depression or anxiety.En ligne : https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/1738494/effects-varenicline-smoking-cessation [...] Format de la ressource électronique : HTML Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=7935 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Sustained-release bupropion for pharmacologic relapse prevention after smoking cessation / J. Taylor Hays (2001)
Titre : Sustained-release bupropion for pharmacologic relapse prevention after smoking cessation Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : J. Taylor Hays, Auteur ; Richard D. Hurt, Auteur ; Nancy A. Rigotti, Auteur ; Raymond S. Niaura, Auteur ; David H. Gonzales, Auteur Editeur : American College of Physicians Année de publication : 2001 Collection : Annals of internal medicine, ISSN 0003-4819 num. 135 Importance : p. 423-433 Présentation : tab., graph. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] étude
[TABAC] étude:recherche:recherche clinique:essai clinique randomisé
[TABAC] prévention
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:efficacité du sevrage:rechute
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:méthode de sevrage:méthode individuelle:approche pharmacologique:bupropion
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:méthode de sevrage:méthode individuelle:approche pharmacologique:placeboIndex. décimale : TA 6.2.3 Approche pharmacologique Résumé : Essai clinique randomisé ayant pour but de déterminer l'efficacité du bupropion pour prévenir la rechute. En ligne : https://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-135-6-200109180-00011 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10392 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !