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Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson
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Titre : Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Robert Melamede, Auteur Editeur : Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson Année de publication : 2005 Collection : Harm Reduction Journal num. 2:21 Importance : 4 p. Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [TABAC] tabagisme:pathologie:cancer:cancer du poumon
[TABAC] tabagisme:risque:facteur associé:drogue:cannabis
[TABAC] tabagisme:tabagisme actifIndex. décimale : TA 1.1.5 Cannabis Résumé : More people are using the cannabis plant as modern basic and clinical science reaffirms and extends its medicinal uses. Concomitantly, concern and opposition to smoked medicine has occurred, in part due to the known carcinogenic consequences of smoking tobacco. Are these reactions justified? While chemically very similar, there are fundamental differences in the pharmacological properties between cannabis and tobacco smoke. Cannabis smoke contains cannabinoids whereas tobacco smoke contains nicotine. Available scientific data, that examines the carcinogenic properties of inhaling smoke and its biological consequences, suggests reasons why tobacco smoke, but not cannabis smoke, may result in lung cancer. En ligne : https://doi.org/10.1186/1477-7517-2-21 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=9973 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Challenges in legitimizing further measures against smoking in jurisdictions with robust infrastructure for tobacco control / Karl Erik Lund (2024)
Titre : Challenges in legitimizing further measures against smoking in jurisdictions with robust infrastructure for tobacco control : how far can the authorities allow themselves to go? Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Karl Erik Lund, Auteur ; Gunnar Saebo, Auteur Editeur : Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Harm Reduction Journal num. 21:33 Importance : 10 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [DIVERS] géographie:Europe:Europe du Nord:Norvège
[TABAC] législation:législation antitabacMots-clés : facteur de sevrage - revue de la littérature - règlementation Index. décimale : TA 9.3 Législation européenne et mondiale Résumé : Background
According to a recently published study, approximately half of those who currently smoke in Norway have little or no desire to quit despite a hostile regulatory and socio-cultural climate for smoking. On this background, we discuss some challenges that regulators will face in a further tightening of structural measures to curb smoking.
Main body
Central to our discussion is the research literature concerned with the concept of state-paternalism in tobacco control—the line between an ethically justified interference with the freedom of those who smoke and an exaggerated infringement disproportionate to the same people’s right to live as they choose. In countries with an already advanced infrastructure for tobacco control, this dilemma might become quite intrusive for regulators. We ask that if people, who smoke are aware of and have accepted the risks, are willing to pay the price, smoke
exclusively in designated areas, and make decisions uninfluenced by persuasive messages from manufacturers—is a further tightening of anti-smoking measures still legitimate? Strengthening of the infrastructure for tobacco control can be seen as a “help” to people who—due to some sort of “decision failure”—continue to smoke against their own will. However, for those who want to continue smoking for reasons that for them appear rational, such measures may appear unwanted, punitive, and coercive. Is it within the rights of regulators to ignore peoples’ self-determination for the sake of their own good? We problematize the “help” argument and discuss the authorities’ right to elevate the zero-vision of smoking as universally applicable while at the same time setting up barriers to switching to alternative nicotine products with reduced risk.
Conclusion We recommend that a further intensification of smoking control in countries that already have a welldeveloped policy in this area requires that regulators start to exploit the opportunity that lies in the ongoing diversification of the recreational nicotine market.
Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10193 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Critical appraisal of the European Union Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) Preliminary Opinion on electronic cigarettes / Renée O'Leary (2021)
Titre : Critical appraisal of the European Union Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) Preliminary Opinion on electronic cigarettes Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Renée O'Leary, Auteur ; Riccardo Polosa, Auteur ; Giovanni Li Volti, Auteur Editeur : Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson Année de publication : 2021 Collection : Harm Reduction Journal num. 18/31 Importance : 15 p. Présentation : tab. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [DIVERS] géographie:Europe
[DIVERS] personne:par âge:jeune
[TABAC] chimie du tabac
[TABAC] étude:statistique:prévalence
[TABAC] prévention:recommandation
[TABAC] prévention:stratégie:réduction du risque
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique
[TABAC] tabagisme:évaluation du tabagisme:marqueur
[TABAC] tabagisme:risqueMots-clés : revue de la littérature Index. décimale : TA 1.1.1 Cigarettes (« normales », électroniques, aromatisées,…) Résumé : Background:
In preparation for the 2021 revision of the European Union Tobacco Products Directive, the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) has posted its Preliminary Opinion on Electronic Cigarettes. They concluded that e-cigarettes only achieve a sub-optimal level of protection of human health. In this
paper, we provide evidence that the Opinion’s conclusions are not adequately backed up by scientific evidence and did not discuss the potential health benefits of using alternative combustion-free nicotine-containing products as substitute for tobacco cigarettes.
Searches for articles were conducted in PubMed and by citation chasing in Google Scholar. Articles were also retrieved with a review of references in major publications. Primary data from World Health Organization surveys, the conclusions of reviews, and peer-reviewed non-industry studies were cited to address errors and omissions identified in the Opinion.
The Opinion omitted reporting on the individual and population health benefits of the substitution of e-cigarettes (ENDS) for cigarette smoking. Alternative hypotheses to the gateway theory were not evaluated. Its assessment of cardiovascular risk is contradicted by numerous reviews. It cites ever-use data that do not represent current patterns of use. It did not report non-nicotine use. It presented erroneous statements on trends in ENDS prevalence. It over-emphasized the role of flavours in youth ENDS initiation. It did not discuss cessation in sufficient length.
For the delivery of a robust and comprehensive final report, the members of the Working Group of the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks will need to consider (1) the potential health benefits of ENDS substitution for cigarette smoking, (2) alternative hypotheses and contradictory studies on the gateway effect, (3) its assessment of cardiovascular risk, (4) the measurements of frequency of use, (5) non-nicotine use, (6) the role of flavours, and (7) a fulsome discussion of cessation.Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=9869 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Titre : Introducing oral tobacco for tobacco harm reduction : what are the main obstacles ? Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Yves Martinet, Auteur ; A. Bohadana, Auteur ; Karl Fagerström, Auteur Editeur : Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson Année de publication : 2007 Collection : Harm Reduction Journal num. 4 (17) Importance : 6 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] prévention:stratégie:réduction du risque
[TABAC] tabagisme:évaluation du tabagisme:test médicalIndex. décimale : TA 5.8 Réduction des risques Résumé : With the number of smokers worldwide currently on the rise, the regular failure of smokers to give up their tobacco addiction, the direct role of smoke (and, to a much lesser extent, nicotine) in most tobacco-related diseases, and the availability of less toxic (but still addictive) oral tobacco products, the use of oral tobacco in lieu of smoking for tobacco harm reduction (HR) merits assessment. Instead of focusing on the activity itself, HR focuses on the risks related to the activity. Currently, tobacco HR is controversial, generally not discussed, and consequently, poorly evaluated. In this paper, we try to pinpoint some of the main reasons for this lack of interest or reluctance to carry out or fund this type of research. In this paper we deal with the following issues: the status of nicotine in society, the reluctance of the mainstream anti-tobacco lobby toward the HR approach, the absence of smokers from the debate, the lack of information disseminated to the general population and politicians, the need to protect young people, the role of physicians, the future of HR research, and the role of tobacco companies. En ligne : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2169217/ Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=2820 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
Respiratory health effects of e‑cigarette substitution for tobacco cigarettes / Maria Ahmed Qureshi (2023)
Titre : Respiratory health effects of e‑cigarette substitution for tobacco cigarettes : a systematic review Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Maria Ahmed Qureshi, Auteur ; Robin W. M. Vernooij, Auteur ; Giusy Rita Maria La Rosa, Auteur Editeur : Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson Année de publication : 2023 Collection : Harm Reduction Journal Importance : 14 p. Présentation : tab. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette
[TABAC] chimie du tabac:constituant:alcaloïde:nicotine
[TABAC] prévention:stratégie:réduction du risque
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:aide au sevrage
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:méthode de sevrage:méthode individuelle:approche pharmacologique:substitution nicotinique
[TABAC] tabagisme:risque:risque respiratoireMots-clés : Revue de la littérature Index. décimale : TA 1.1.1 Cigarettes (« normales », électroniques, aromatisées,…) Résumé : Background
E-cigarettes (electronic nicotine delivery system, ENDS) have been presented as a harm reduction strategy for people who smoke tobacco cigarettes but who cannot achieve abstinence, or for those who wish to continue to enjoy nicotine and the habit of smoking. What are the health effects of the substitution of ENDS for tobacco cigarettes? This systematic review evaluates the evidence of human clinical tests on the respiratory effects of ENDS use in participants who smoke tobacco cigarettes.
A registered and published protocol was developed conforming to PRISMA 2020 and AMSTAR2 standards. The literature search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, and the CENTRAL Cochrane Library and updated to May 2022. Three supplementary searches and a grey literature search were performed. Studies were evaluated with the JBI quality tools and the Oxford Catalogue of Bias. Due to the heterogeneity (diversity) of the studies, a narrative data synthesis was performed on the test findings plus three sub-group analyses.
The review consists of sixteen studies and twenty publications. Spirometry tests comprised the majority of the data. In total, 66 respiratory test measurements were reported, out of which 43 (65%) were not significant. Statistically significant findings were mixed, with 9 tests showing improvements and 14 measuring declines, none of which was clinically relevant. Ten studies were rated at a high risk of bias, and six had some concerns primarily due to inadequate research designs and the conduct of the studies. Reporting bias was documented in thirteen studies.
Most of the studies showed no difference in respiratory parameters. This indicates that ENDS substitution for smoking likely does not result in additional harm to respiratory health. Due to the low quality of the studies, confidence in the conclusions is rated as low. Robust studies with a longer duration and sufficient power are required to validate any potential benefits or possible harms of ENDS substitution.En ligne : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-023-00877-9 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10263 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
A systematic review and meta‑analysis of the association between e‑cigarette use among non‑tobacco users and initiating smoking of combustible cigarettes / Mimi M. Kim (2024)
Titre : A systematic review and meta‑analysis of the association between e‑cigarette use among non‑tobacco users and initiating smoking of combustible cigarettes Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Mimi M. Kim, Auteur ; Isabella Steffensen, Auteur ; Red Thaddeus D. Miguel, Auteur Editeur : Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Harm Reduction Journal Importance : 33 p. Présentation : ill., tab., graph. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] CANDIDATS:e-cigarette
[TABAC] étude
[TABAC] étude:méta-analyse
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:aide au sevrageIndex. décimale : TA 1.1.1 Cigarettes (« normales », électroniques, aromatisées,…) Résumé : Introduction
The rapid increase in e-cigarette use over the past decade has triggered an important public health question on the potential association between e-cigarette use and combustible cigarette smoking. Following AMSTAR 2 and PRISMA guidelines, this evidence synthesis sought to identify and characterize any associations
between e-cigarette use among individuals not smoking cigarettes and initiation of cigarette smoking. Methods The protocol was registered on September 24, 2018 (PROSPERO 2018 CRD42018108540). Three databases were queried from January 01, 2007 to April 26, 2023. Search results were screened using the PICOS review method.
Among 55 included studies (40 “good” and 15 “fair”; evidence grade: “high”) that adjusted for gender, age, and race/ethnicity between groups, generally, there was a significant association between non-regular e-cigarette use and initiation of cigarette smoking, further supported by the meta-analytic results (AOR 3.71; 95% CI 2.86–4.81). However, smoking initiation was most often measured as ever/current cigarette smoking. Two studies (quality: 2 “good”) evaluated progression to regular cigarette smoking among individuals with regular use of e-cigarettes, and generally found no significant associations. One study (“good”) evaluated smoking initiation among individuals with regular use of e-cigarettes, finding an increasing probability of ever smoking cigarettes with increased e-cigarette use. Twelve
studies (10 “good” and two “fair”) examining progression to regular smoking among individuals with non-regular use of e-cigarettes reported inconsistent findings.
Numerous methodological flaws in the body of literature limit the generalizability of these results to all individuals who are not smoking cigarettes with few studies measuring established/regular use/smoking of e-cigarettes and cigarettes. Further, studies did not control adequately for specific confounding variables representing common liabilities between e-cigarette use and cigarette smoking, nor did they account for sufficient follow-up durations. Collectively, these flaws limit the generalizability of findings to the question of an association between e-cigarette use
and cigarette smoking initiation.En ligne : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-024-01013-x Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10302 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
The impact of free trial acceptance on demand for alternative nicotine products / Matthew C. Rousu (2015)
Titre : The impact of free trial acceptance on demand for alternative nicotine products : evidence from experimental auctions Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Matthew C. Rousu, Auteur ; Richard J. O'Connor, Auteur ; Maansi Bansal-Travers, Auteur Editeur : Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson Année de publication : 2015 Collection : Harm Reduction Journal num. 12:18 Importance : 9 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] chimie du tabac:constituant:alcaloïde:nicotine
[TABAC] chimie du tabac:tabac non fumé:tabac à sucer:snus
[TABAC] étude:recherche:recherche clinique:essai clinique randomiséIndex. décimale : TA Autres substituts nicotiniques Résumé : Cette étude a exploré la relation entre les échantillons de produits et la demande du consommateur pour les produits alternatifs à la nicotine (snus, tabac soluble, nicotine médicale). En ligne : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmid/26063180/ Format de la ressource électronique : HTML, PDF Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=9104 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !
The potential of new nicotine and tobacco products as tools for people who smoke to quit combustible cigarettes / Nikola Pluym (2024)
Titre : The potential of new nicotine and tobacco products as tools for people who smoke to quit combustible cigarettes : a systematic review of common practices and guidance towards a robust study protocol to measure cessation efficacy Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Nikola Pluym, Auteur ; Therese Burkhardt, Auteur ; Gerhard Scherer, Auteur ; Max Scherer, Auteur Editeur : Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Euan Lawson Année de publication : 2024 Collection : Harm Reduction Journal num. 21(130) Importance : p. 1-13 Présentation : ill., tab Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [TABAC] chimie du tabac:tabac fumé:cigarette:cigarette électronique
[TABAC] chimie du tabac:tabac non fumé:tabac à sucer:snus
[TABAC] chimie du tabac:tabac non fumé:tabac chauffé
[TABAC] étude
[TABAC] sevrage tabagique:efficacité du sevrage:motivationMots-clés : pouche Index. décimale : TA 5.8 Réduction des risques Résumé : New types of nicotine and tobacco products like electronic cigarettes (ECs), heated tobacco products or nicotine pouches have been discussed as less harmful alternatives to combustible cigarettes and other toxic forms of tobacco products. Their harm reduction potential lay in the efficient transition away from smoking to those new products. Numerous studies addressing the cessation efficacy of ECs have been published with contradictory outcomes. Yet, a comprehensive Cochrane review concluded with high certainty on the cessation efficacy of ECs. This prompted us to perform a review to identify weaknesses in common study designs and to summarize best practices for the study design on the potential of new nicotine products as cessation aids. 120 articles retrieved from Medline were found to be eligible. Most of the studies in the field were interventional trials while observational studies played a minor role in the evaluation of smoking cessation. Efficacy was predominantly assessed for ECs in 77% of the reports while heated tobacco (17%) and non-combustible products (11%) were less frequently investigated up to now. Measures to determine the efficacy were questionnaire-based assessments as well as use documentation/prevalence and abstinence rates. Studies varied largely in their duration and sample size with medians of 3 months and 156.5 participants, respectively.
With the help of this review, we identified several weaknesses in the common study designs. One major limitation in longitudinal trials was the lack of compliance measures suited to verify the use status over longer time periods, relying solely on self-reports. Moreover, the motivation of the participants to quit was rarely defined and a profound familiarization period was not taken into account for the majority of the studies. To what extent such weaknesses influence the outcome of the studies was beyond the scope of this review. We encourage researchers to consider the recommendations which resulted from this review in order to determine the abuse liability and cessation efficacy of the products in a more robust manner. Finally, we like to call attention to the missing data for low- and middle-income countries which would require quitting strategies most urgently to combat the tobacco smoking epidemic.En ligne : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-024-01047-1 Format de la ressource électronique : Article en ligne Permalink : https://biblio.fares.be/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=10504 Aucun avis, veuillez vous identifier pour ajouter le vôtre !